
WP eMember – Easy to Use WordPress Membership Plugin

WP eMember – Easy to Use WordPress Membership Plugin

Last week we bought excellent plugin's from Tips and Tricks HQ. Today we would like to introduce a WP eMember - powerful WordPress Membership Plugin that can turn your existing or new WordPress site into a membership site easily. WP eMember lets you selectively...

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How to fix, rename user roles without plugin?

How to fix, rename user roles without plugin?

 Our today tip can help you fix, rename user roles without ANY plugin. We also must put your attention on  perfect plugin called User Role Editor for creating new role's capabilities easy, that could be useful for membership sites etc. Add new roles and customize its...

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E-mail Newsletters with MailChimp

E-mail Newsletters with MailChimp

We still learning to keep up our readers in comfort way, so we start with our E-mail Newsletters with MailChimp. You can now Subscribe for Free!!! You will get great tips, tricks, and strategies a few times a month. Hope you get some value out of it!!! It's where ALL...

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How to Edit Images in WordPress

How to Edit Images in WordPress

I was helping a client with their site this week and we saw that we needed to edit her WordPress blog images. Why? Because the text and the images were all scrunched up together. Like this. See how we fixed it here:   How to Edit Images in WordPress I was helping...

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Generating new business with online marketing

Generating new business with online marketing

Online marketing has become an essential tool for generating new business. In today's competitive world it has become very vital to advertise your business online. Once you have created your web site, you need to set a target for the amounts of profits or money you...

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7 Benefits of Using Flash for Web Design

7 Benefits of Using Flash for Web Design

Here is why use Flash for Web Design - Adobe Flash is a leading multimedia platform that web designers can use to add video, animation and interactivity to web pages. Flash has indeed given a new life for interactivity on web. Apart from the text based web sites,...

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Build Backlinks and Traffic Using Tools and Widgets

Build Backlinks and Traffic Using Tools and Widgets

Experts opine that it is better not to create tools and widgets at all if you do not know the tips and tricks involved in the same. Actually, it is essential to consider that creating a tool or a widget is not the end to it and you cannot expect that that traffic and...

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The Ultimate Video Guide to WORDPRESS

The Ultimate Video Guide to WORDPRESS

The Ultimate Video Guide to WordPress Help You Churn Out Site after Site almost at Will the Very First Time You View Them…!!! This is an absolute must for any internet marketer to have in their Internet Marketing Library… You NEED This Video Course Today! Dear...

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Commercial Retouching with Photoshop

Commercial Retouching with Photoshop

It used to be that to get professional pictures you had to find a commercial photographer that could not only take the pictures, but has the ability to develop the film and retouch problems with the picture. It was an art form that required experience and the right...

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SEO strategies for WordPress

SEO strategies for WordPress

Well, you have your wordpress site, it's time to make some SEO tweaks, we can recommend you our SEO strategies with some great plugins that to do this easily. We have made some research of instructions videos, so we added them too. If you follow this tips properly you...

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How to Stop Image Hotlinking with .htaccess

How to Stop Image Hotlinking with .htaccess

Stop Image Hotlinking - we have a quick tip, that can help you protect your server bandwidth. So if you are in situation that you find your pictures on another server, you can block this unwanted load.. and be happy again about your content, check this tips.. Stop...

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