
The Impact of the Gig Economy on Traditional Employment

The Impact of the Gig Economy on Traditional Employment

The gig economy is a free market system characterized by temporary jobs, independent workers, and short-term contracts. The gig economy's growth and continued impact on the traditional workforce have been open to debate in recent years. Its popularity has made people...

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Four reasons why cybersecurity is important

Four reasons why cybersecurity is important

When you leave home - even if it’s just to pick up some essentials from the supermarket - you make sure to lock the doors and windows, so it’s secure. If you take your car to the shop, you’ll lock it once you park. You do this to ensure the security of your...

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What is GrooveFunnels? – Online Marketing Platform Review

What is GrooveFunnels? – Online Marketing Platform Review

Online marketing can be quite a hassle if you don’t know where to start. The cost of purchasing all that you need and paying your team can be very expensive at times, more so with the ever-growing demands. GrooveFunnels is an all-in-one software that takes care of all...

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What You Need To Know About Content Marketing

What You Need To Know About Content Marketing

Trends in marketing are ever-changing, and keeping up isn’t always easy. Sometimes, you might not even know which ones you should be following, and which ones are already yesterday’s news. This is why we are here to tell you that, right now, content marketing is king....

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How to Start a Blog – Beginners Guide [Infographic]

How to Start a Blog – Beginners Guide [Infographic]

Today blogging is one of the fastest growing industry in the world that was estimated to be worth of $400 billion by the end of 2020. Because now everyone wants to Start there Own Blog, But some of you probably don't know How To Start a Blog in Proper Planned manner...

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Harness the Psychology of Advertising in 5 Steps

Harness the Psychology of Advertising in 5 Steps

According to recent estimates, the average person is exposed to up to 10,000 advertisements each day! With such insanely high numbers, the pressure is on for digital advertisers to step up their game and create ads that truly appeal to potential buyers. But with such...

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5 Tips for Setting Up an Effective Marketing Agency

5 Tips for Setting Up an Effective Marketing Agency

Marketing is an essential part of any business, and companies will pay top dollar to enlist the skills of top marketing professionals. If you’re thinking about taking your marketing expertise and setting up a marketing agency, then this can be hugely profitable, but...

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6 Traits of a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

6 Traits of a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

As a small business owner, you likely do everything and then some. Figuring out how to run a successful digital marketing campaign may not be at the top of your list of things to learn, but can impact your bottom line. If you put time and effort into online...

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The Basics of Animated Video Production

The Basics of Animated Video Production

We are living in a modern era where technology is like the glue that holds together several aspects of our daily lives. From entertainment to communication, almost all the content is digitalized and those that aren't are slowly moving towards it. The use of animated...

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What You Need to Know Before Starting a Web Design Business

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Web Design Business

Starting a web design business is an exciting endeavour for a graphic designer. Whether you exclusively offer high-end websites or you add web design as part of a grouping of services, there are some concrete steps to take. In the U.S., there are approximately 160,500...

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