Adobe Color - Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Kuler community. Related: COLOURlovers - | Color Trends + Palettes
Fantasio Fine Arts
Fantasio Fine Arts delivers quality work in the following ranges: Illusion-paintings, Fantastic Illustrations, Custom - object - design, Graphic - design, CD - Cover Art, Book Illustration, Advertising, Photoretouching, Photomanipulation, Dia & Scan -...
ardcor brushes – 12530 Pageviews in like 5 days
Very interesting gallery of UK web designer. His brush set for Photoshop recorded as well as a massive gallery display and 12,530 in the last five days. And ... only after you try a brush that, wonderful :)
Talisman Active Desktop v1.5
On the desktop we use super shell Talisman, we publish our theme Talisman Active Desktop, which we placed in the directory of themes that can be downloaded directly from the website of the manufacturer, and there was a at past two years more than 6000 copies...
How to install WordPress on XAMPP server
If you want to try running environment of some modern publishing system, eg WordPress on XAMPP server, you may have already done your work for ten minutes. Install Wordpress on XAMPP server Follow this description. In your browser http://localhost/. Run phpMyAdmin....
XAMPP – Apache 2, PHP 5, MySQL 5
XAMMP - Apache 2, PHP 5, MySQL 5, phpMyAdmin, assembled at the well installation, example builds on previously published description of the installation PHPTriad, Sokkit, Wamp - Apache, MySQL, but that is already on the horizon their configuration application. XAMMP...
Bitstream Font Navigator – Advanced management of fonts
Excellent supplement of package CorelDraw X3 font manager Bitstream Font Navigator. Advanced management of fonts installed on your computer, such as a very comfortable sort localization using font groups, where you create different groups based on the contents of the...
FastStone Photo Resizer
FastStone Photo Resizer offers many features for photo editing and meets all the requirements that are subject to this type of software. FSPR use by those who need to process large numbers of images to be holiday or for exposure on the web, where you can throw...
Publishing systems – WordPress
Another analyzed publishing system is a WordPress 2.0. The face has a more full-featured than for Czech users and creators, and also thanks to Czech for WordPress 2.0. The year 2005 was a pivotal year for WordPress, it was realized stable version 1.5 with the number...