Making it as a blogger probably isn’t the easiest task in the world, but there are lots of things you can do in order to improve your blog’s success. The most well-known and read blogs in the world actually share the same trait as the less successful counterparts – they are built on useful content and made by people who care about what they write!
However, since not every blog ends up being one of the most popular ones, there are obviously things that you can do wrong (or right). If making your blog successful as it gets is your number one priority, you should follow these ten tips we’ve prepared for you in order to do so!
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1. The number one secret to succeeding in personal blogging is building trust with your readers. Once you have them hooked on your content, there is really not much you can do to lose this bond. As long as you provide them with educational material and valuable advice, you can be sure that the trust is there!
2. This is something that literally not one blogger alive will tell you, but getting things off the ground is harder than you may imagine! Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t meant to discourage you from trying to make your blog successful, but only to make you aware of the fact that just because having a blog is simple – it doesn’t necessarily mean it is easy. You really need to put in a lot of work in order to improve your blog, but it will all be worth it in the end!
3. You can’t put a number on the ideal blog post’s length. Lots of bloggers tend to learn this the hard way and spend hours and hours trying to improve their readability by either shortening or lengthening the post, but the truth is that if you are offering your readers high-quality interesting content, the word count is the least important thing about it! Whether you post just a short paragraph or a 2,000-word article won’t matter if your content is not entertaining and educational!
4. The titles of your posts are extremely important. This, of course, goes for the SEO part of your blog, but for your readers’ interest in your posts as well! Setting a generic title post after post can lead your readers into thinking that you are not as nearly interested in your blog as you should be (or as you once were) – so why should they be interested in reading it? Find that perfect combination of your targeted keyword and an interesting title, and the visitors will follow!
5. If you want to save time on writing your own content, you can hire a content marketing agency, like these guys from Melbourne. The truth is, lots of bloggers do this in order to save time and focus on the other technicalities regarding their blogs. Don’t get me wrong, this is something that I would not recommend on my behalf, but if it will save you some time and help you focus on the other aspects of your business instead, then give it a go!
Source: Unsplash
6. Note that there actually are good and bad ways to link within your post. The bad posts would be the ones that leave you feeling that you have just read an article that was written solely keeping sales in mind. As long as you link to your services or products in a non-salesy and laidback manner, you will have your readers feel connected to you while wanting to get the mentioned service/product too!
7. Always keep in mind which kind of an audience you are writing to. If you are running a lifestyle blog and are constantly sharing tips and experiences, you will want to keep your content simple and understandable “to the masses”. On the other hand, if you are writing a technical blog, feel free to write solely for the audience that will understand all the phrases and terms you are using.
8. Get a web hosting provider. Providers like CanSpace offer you a variety of features such as automatic updates, user support, security, lots of themes and plugins, etc. Such providers make it easier for you to focus on your content, while they take care of the technicalities for you.
9. You need your content to be enticing in order to get your readers to interact. Interaction is one of the key components in running a successful blog. You will want your readers to interact both with each other and with you, so make sure that your content will get them to do so!
10. Have fun with it. This one may sound simple, but if you for a second feel that what you are doing is not fun, your readers will feel it too!
Keeping these ten secrets in mind, your blog will surely succeed in no time! As long as you make sure that you are providing your readers with interesting and educational content, and that they are getting the best experience possible, the visitors will come flooding in!