This post will show you a list of all the most important WordPress Plugins from 2013, that we personally use these days. These plugins are must have plugins (but do not use them all at once; tho-P). The following list contains plugins that we have tried and tested in WordPress 3.6, and in most cases, are used in the live sites. We hope that’s helpful. If you can recommend any plugins that you think would improve the collection, leave us a comment below the post.
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
This plugin adds a WYSIWYG text widget based on the standard TinyMCE WordPress visual editor. This is intended to overcome the limitations of the default WordPress text widget, so that you can visually add rich text contents to your sidebars, with no knowledge of HTML required.
TinyMCE Advanced
Enables the advanced features of TinyMCE, the WordPress WYSIWYG editor.
Column Shortcodes
Adds shortcodes to easily create columns in your posts or pages. Sometimes you just need to divide your page into different columns. With this plugin you just select a column shortcode and it will add the column to the page. You can also change the padding of each individual column from the UI.
UberMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable, responsive Mega Menu WordPress plugin. It works out of the box with the WordPress 3 Menu System, making it simple to get started but powerful enough to create highly customized and creative mega menu configurations.
Advanced Custom Fields
Advanced Custom Fields is the perfect solution for any wordpress website which needs more flexible data like other Content Management Systems. Fully customise WordPress edit screens with powerful fields. Boasting a professional interface and a powerfull API, it’s a must have for any web dev..
Custom Post Type UI
This plugin provides an easy to use interface to create and administer custom post types and taxonomies in WordPress.
Dynamic Widgets
Dynamic Widgets gives you full control on which pages your widgets will appear. It lets you dynamicly show or hide widgets on WordPress pages.
Simple Yearly Archive
Simple Yearly Archive is a rather neat and simple WordPress plugin that allows you to display your archives in a year-based list. It works mostly like the usual WP archive, but displays all published posts seperated by their year of publication. That said, it’s also possible to restrict the output to certain categories, and much more.
Simple Page Ordering
Order your pages and other hierarchical post types with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list. Simply drag and drop the page into the desired position. It’s that simple. No new admin menus pages, no clunky, bolted on user interfaces. Just drag and drop on the page or post-type screen.
Slideshow Satellite
Satellite’s goal is to present a responsive and beautiful slideshow experience to visitors of your WordPress site. Choose from multiple easy to use themes like Slideshows with full thumbnail displays, Flipbooks for that animated-gif style slideshow, or the brand new Infinite Scroll! Use either your WordPress Media Galleries or our own highly customized Gallery Editor.
Content Scheduler
Content Scheduler lets you control when content automatically expires, what to do with that content when it expires, and optionally provide notification to site contributors when the content expired.
Comment Guestbook
The purpose of this plugin is to add a guestbook site which uses the wordpress integrated comments. Using the wordpress integrated comments system has some important advantages: like consistent styling of guestbook form and comment list for every theme you are using and all wordpress comment features are available for the guestbook comments also.
Basic Comment Quicktags
Displays bold, italic, add link and quote buttons on top of the comment form. This plugin displays the most basic of quicktag buttons on your comment forms, using the Quicktag API built into WordPress.
WP User Avatar
WordPress currently only allows you to use custom avatars that are uploaded through Gravatar. WP User Avatar enables you to use any photo uploaded into your Media Library as an avatar. This means you use the same uploader and library as your posts. No extra folders or image editing functions are necessary.
Facebook Comments
The Facebook Comments WordPress plugin makes it easier for you to setup, administer and customise Facebook comments from your WordPress site.
Import any XML or CSV File to WordPress
WP All Import is an extremely powerful plugin that makes it easy to import any XML or CSV file to WordPress. WP All Import has a four step import process and an intuitive drag & drop interface that makes complicated import tasks simple and fast. There are no special requirements that the elements in your file must be laid out in a certain way. WP All Import really can import any XML or CSV file. WP All Import can be used for everything from building a store with an affiliate datafeed to displaying live stock quotes or sports scores to building a real estate portal.
Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin
Redirect Pages/Posts to another page/post or external URL. Has edit box as well as global options. Specify the redirect Location and type. For PHP5+
Velvet Blues Update URLs
If you move your WordPress website to a new domain name, you will find that internal links to pages and references to images are not updated. Instead, these links and references will point to your old domain name. This plugin fixes that problem by helping you change old urls and links in your website.
BlackBox Debug Bar
BlackBox is symfony like unobstrusive debug bar attached to the top of the browser window.
P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)
This plugin creates a profile of your WordPress site’s plugins’ performance by measuring their impact on your site’s load time. Often times, WordPress sites load slowly because of poorly configured plugins or because there are so many of them. By using the P3 plugin, you can narrow down anything causing slowness on your site.